discord语音发音音标 双语例句
发布时间:2024-11-07 16:04:30来源:
“discord” 读音:英 /ˈdɪskɔːd/;美 /ˈdɪskɔːrd/。
作名词(表示 “不和;纷争;不一致”)
There was discord among the members of the team about the best way to approach the project.(团队成员对于处理这个项目的最佳方式存在分歧。)
The discord between the two political parties led to a deadlock in the parliament.(两个政党之间的不和导致议会陷入僵局。)
作动词(表示 “不一致;不协调”)
Her actions discorded with her words.(她的言行不一致。)
The colors of the painting discord and create a sense of chaos.(这幅画的颜色不协调,营造出一种混乱的感觉。)
(作者: 阿毛视界)